Tips to Outsmart the Supermarket

Tips to Outsmart the Supermarket

The supermarket can be difficult to navigate when you’re shopping for your family and want to save money on groceries while also wanting to stock up on nutritious foods. With so many options, how do you know how to get the best deals and make the healthiest decisions?

Don’t worry—we have you covered with these supermarket shopping tricks to help you choose the most nutritious foods for your family and master the supermarket!

Be prepared

Plan a week’s menu, make a shopping list and stick to it. Be sure to eat a healthy snack before shopping—you are more likely to stray from your list on an empty stomach and put unhealthy options in your cart because you are hungry.

Shop the perimeter

The healthiest foods are usually located in the outer perimeter of the store, like fresh and frozen veggies and fruits, fresh meats, eggs and low-fat dairy. The inner aisles are full of processed and packaged foods, so keep time spent in these aisles to a minimum.

Compare prices

Some sales and end-of-aisle promotions are not always the best deals. Grocery stores may market items as being on sale when you may find a comparable product, like the store brand, cheaper than the sale price for the name-brand item.

Read labels

Look at the Nutrition Facts label and ingredients list to make better choices. When comparing packaged products like cereal or granola bars, choose ones with more healthy nutrients like fiber and less sugar and sodium (salt). Purchase items with shorter ingredient lists and avoid items with ingredients you don’t recognize.

Know when “healthy” is healthy

Organic potato chips are still potato chips. The term “organic” refers to how ingredients are grown and may not reflect how healthy the product is—for example, how much sugar or salt it contains. Foods labeled “low-fat” might contain more sugar. Items that are “sugar-free” most likely have an artificial sweetener. Ignore the sales talk on the front of the package. Instead, focus on whole foods when possible and read labels carefully.

Frozen fruits and veggies

Frozen fruits and veggies are nutritious foods that help you save money on groceries because they can last awhile in your freezer. They are usually flash-frozen shortly after peak harvest to retain nutrients. Make the most of great sales and stock up.

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